CARPETAS ABADIAS, SL con domicilio social en Polígono Industrial de la Escandella, c/Francia, naves 2-4 Agost (Alicante), teléfono 965 626 711, email de contacto contacto@abadiasgroup.com
INSCRIPCIÓN EN EL REGISTRO MERCANTIL: Carpetas Abadías, está inscrito en el Registro Mercantil de Alicante, Tomo 2120, L. 0, F. 207, S.8, I. 1ª H. A48078.
Esta página Web ofrece información sobre los servicios que presta Carpetas Abadías, S.L. El acceso no está sujeto a restricciones, sin perjuicio que el uso de la página le otorga la condición de usuario de la misma y por tanto se somete a estas Condiciones de Uso.
- a) La información que facilita Carpetas Abadías, S.L. y en especial la referida a referencias informativas o publicitarias, no pueden considerarse como oferta vinculante o elemento determinante de la toma de decisiones y por tanto declinamos cualquier responsabilidad por el uso que pueda realizarse de sus contenidos.
- b) Carpetas Abadías, S.L. se reserva el derecho de eliminar, modificar o actualizar la información que contiene la página. Los cambios realizados serán aplicables a todos los usuarios desde la misma fecha en que se realicen.
(c) Carpetas Abadías, S.L. no garantiza el acceso continuado a los contenidos. Tampoco se responsabiliza de los daños y perjuicios que se puedan producir por el uso de la web o provocados por introducción de virus o ataques informáticos. Tampoco será responsable de posibles perjuicios que puedan causar caídas, interrupciones, defecto o incluso ausencia de telecomunicaciones.
(d) Carpetas Abadías, S.L. no responde de la información y demás contenidos que no sean de elaboración propia. Tampoco responde de la información o contenidos integrados en otras páginas web de terceros, accesibles desde la página de Carpetas Abadías, mediante enlaces, vínculos o links.
Los elementos que componen esta web (textos, imágenes, marcas, logotipos, gráficos, aplicaciones informáticas, archivos de audio, archivos de software, combinaciones de colores, diseño de productos, planos), así como los nombres de dominio carpetasabadias.com, abadiasgroup.com son propiedad de Carpetas Abadías S.L. y se encuentran protegidos por las leyes y tratados internacionales de Propiedad Intelectual e Industrial, así como por las normas reguladoras de los nombres de Dominio.
Carpetas Abadías permite el uso de hipervínculos y la utilización o reproducción, total o parcial, sin ánimo de lucro, de sus contenidos siempre que se haga constar la fuente y se incluya un hipervínculo a esta web, y en los casos permitidos en los artículos 31 a 34 de la Ley de Propiedad Intelectual. Queda prohibido el uso de marcos (frames) o cualesquiera otros mecanismos destinados a ocultar el origen o fuente de los contenidos, cualquier uso, transformación o explotación de los mismos con finalidades comerciales, promocionales o contrarias a la ley, moral u orden público, que pudiera lesionar los intereses o perjudicar la imagen de Carpetas Abadías o de terceros legítimos, que constituyan competencia desleal o, en general, en contra de lo dispuesto en estas Condiciones de Uso.
Carpetas Abadías se reserva la posibilidad de ejercer las acciones legales que correspondan contra los usuarios que violen o infrinjan los derechos de propiedad intelectual y/o industrial y que excedan de los permisos que se conceden en el párrafo anterior.
NIF: B53286290
Registered office: Industrial Park of La Escandella, c / Francia, naves 2-4, 03698 Agost (Alicante)
Data Protection Contact: The User can contact through the following address contacto@abadiasgroup.com
By reading this Privacy Policy, the User is informed about the way in which CARPETAS ABADIAS S.L. collects, treats and protects the personal data that is provided through the website www.abadiasgroup.com (hereinafter, the “website”). As well as any other enabled means; We can receive information about you if you participate in any of the fairs or events we attend and in business contacts. The information can be verbal or physical (business card or printed forms). When this is the case, we will make sure that this procedure is in full compliance with the Regulation. The User must read carefully this Privacy Policy, which has been written in a clear and simple way, to facilitate its understanding, and determine freely and voluntarily if you wish to provide your personal data, or those of third parties, to CARPETAS ABADIAS S.L.
The data requested in the forms accessible from the Website of CARPETAS ABADIAS S.L. they are, in general, mandatory (unless in the required field specified otherwise) to meet the stated purposes. Therefore, if they are not provided or are not provided correctly, they can not be addressed. The completion of the forms included in the Website implies the express consent of the user to the inclusion of their personal data in the aforementioned automated file of CARPETAS ABADIAS S.L. with the indicated purposes. The non-completion of the fields, indicated as mandatory, that appear on any electronic registration form, may have as a consequence that CARPETAS ABADIAS S.L. can not meet your request
Depending on the requests of the User, the personal data collected will be processed by CARPETAS ABADIAS S.L. for the management, administration and billing of the contracted services, as well as for the sending of the information related to our activity (by ordinary mail or by electronic channels) that may be of your interest such as: • Manage the subscription to the newsletter and subsequent remission of it. • Manage your contact requests with CARPETAS ABADIAS S.L. through the channels provided for it. • Managing the sending of personalized commercial communications of CARPETAS ABADIAS S.L., by electronic and / or conventional means, unless the User indicates otherwise by checking the corresponding box, or showing his opposition to said treatment. • Manage the conduct of surveys and / or evaluations related to the quality of the services provided by CARPETAS ABADIAS S.L. and / or to the perception of their image as a company. The User’s data will be kept for the time necessary for the fulfillment of each purpose or until the User requests his withdrawal to CARPETAS ABADIAS S.L., opposes or revokes his consent. Carpetas Abadías, S.L. does not sell, assign, lease or transmit in any way, information or personal data of its customers / users to third parties.
CARPETAS ABADIAS S.L. may treat the following categories of data, depending on the request made by the User: • Identifying data: name, surnames • Contact information: Postal address, mobile phone, email address. • Codes or user identification keys. • Preference data.
The data processing necessary for the fulfillment of the aforementioned purposes that require the consent of the User for its realization, will not be carried out without it. Likewise, in case the User withdraws his consent to any of the treatments, this will not affect the legality of the treatments carried out previously. To revoke said consent, the User may contact CARPETAS ABADIAS S.L. through the following channels: By means of a letter addressed to CARPETAS ABADIAS, S.L., responsible for the files and their treatment, with address at La Escandella Industrial Park, C / Francia, 2-4, C.P. 03698 Agost (Alicante) or by means of an email to the address contacto@abadiasgroup.com, in both cases with the Reference “Data Protection”. Likewise, in those cases in which it is necessary to process the User’s data for the fulfillment of a legal obligation or for the execution of the existing contractual relationship between CARPETAS ABADIAS, S.L. and the User, the treatment would be legitimized as it is necessary for the fulfillment of said purposes. On the other hand, the treatment carried out to carry out surveys and / or evaluations related to the quality of the services provided by CARPETAS ABADIAS, S.L. and / or the perception of their image as a company will be based on the legitimate interest of the person in charge.
The User’s data may be communicated to:
Partners and collaborating companies of CARPETAS ABADIAS, S.L. for the fulfillment of the purposes previously indicated and / or, in case it so authorizes, for the sending of commercial communications.
Public Administrations, in the cases provided by the Law.
The recipients indicated in this section may be located within or outside the European Economic Area, in the latter case being duly legitimated international data transfers.
The user:
Guarantees that he / she is of full age and able to do so, and that the data provided to CARPETAS ABADIAS S.L. They are true, accurate, complete and up-to-date. For these purposes, the User is responsible for the truthfulness of all the data communicated and will keep the information provided in a timely manner, in a way that responds to their real situation.
The user guarantees that the Personal Data provided to CARPETAS ABADIAS S.L. They are true and are responsible for communicating any changes in them.
The user will be solely responsible for any loss or damage, direct or indirect, that could cause to CARPETAS ABADIAS S.L. or to any third party due to the completion of the forms with false, inaccurate, incomplete or outdated information.
The user must not include personal data of third parties without their prior informed consent of the provisions of this privacy policy, being the only responsible for their inclusion.
One of the purposes for which CARPETAS ABADIAS, S.L. treats the data of the User will be for the sending of commercial communications, by electronic and / or conventional means, with information relative to products, services, promotions, offers, events or relevant news for the Users. Whenever any communication of this type is made, it will be addressed solely and exclusively to those Users who have authorized its reception and / or who have not previously expressed their refusal to receive them. To carry out the previous work, CARPETAS ABADIAS, S.L. You can analyze the data obtained, in order to create user profiles that allow you to define in more detail the products that may be of interest. In case the User wishes to stop receiving commercial or promotional communications from CARPETAS ABADIAS, S.L. You can request the cancellation of the service by sending an email to the following email address: contacto@abadiasgroup.com, as well as indicating your refusal to receive them by means of the withdrawal option provided in each of the commercial communications sent.
We inform you that you can exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, regarding the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data, by email contacto@abadiasgroup.com or by written request, dated and signed, indicating their name, surnames, address and photocopy of the DNI addressed a CARPETAS ABADIAS, SL, responsible for the files and their treatment, with address at La Escandella Industrial Park, C / Francia, 2-4, CP 03698 Agost (Alicante). In both cases, with the Reference “Data Protection”, at any time and free of charge, to: • Revoke the consents granted. • Get confirmation about whether in CARPETAS ABADIAS, S.L. Personal data concerning the User or not are being processed. • Access your personal data. • Rectify inaccurate or incomplete data. • Request the deletion of your data when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes that were collected. • Obtain of CARPETAS ABADIAS, S.L. the limitation of data processing when any of the conditions provided in the data protection regulations are met. • Obtain human intervention, to express your point of view and to challenge the automated decisions adopted by CARPETAS ABADIAS, S.L. • Request the portability of your data. Likewise, the user is informed that at any time he / she may File a claim regarding the protection of his / her personal data before the competent Control Authority.
11. SECURITY MEASURESCARPETAS ABADIAS, S.L. treat the data of the User at all times in an absolutely confidential and keeping the mandatory duty of secrecy regarding them, in accordance with the provisions of the implementing regulations, adopting the necessary measures of technical and organizational nature to ensure the security of your data and avoid their alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, taking into account the state of the technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed.Date last updated: May 24, 2018
Todas las cuestiones referidas al uso de esta Web y a sus contenidos, se regirán por estas Condiciones de Uso y por la legislación española aplicable, y para la resolución de los conflictos que se deriven del uso de la página las partes se someten a la jurisdicción de los Juzgados y Tribunales de Alicante, salvo en los casos que no esté legalmente permitido, con renuncia expresa a cualquier otro foro que pudiere corresponderles.